Friday, May 28, 2010

Change Recovery Model of all your SQL Server databases in one shot

Change Recovery Model of all your SQL Server databases in one shot


Sometimes it is necessary to change properties of all your databases in one shot

In this script, we use a system table to get all the database names on our server.

Next we use a cursor to loop through all the records and then change the recovery model using Alter Database command


--Declaration of variables

@dbnm sysname,
@sql varchar(100)

-- Declare begin cursor to get the database names and get info from sys.databases catalog

declare cursor_db cursor
for select name from sys.databases where name != 'tempdb'

-- Using a cursor to loop through database names and change recovery model

open cursor_db
fetch next from cursor_db into @dbnm

--While Loop with Alter database command

while @@fetch_status = 0


--print 'database is ' + @dbnm

set @sql='alter database ' + @dbnm + ' set recovery simple'
print 'sql is ' + @sql
exec (@sql)

fetch next from cursor_db into @dbnm

--clean up objects

close cursor_db
deallocate cursor_db

Tags: SQL Server 2008, Recovery Model, While loop, Cursor


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